There is nothing else
great in the world than a volunter heart.

Millions of people are waiting for assistance.
Your contribution is the grain of sand that will make a difference!

You came here for a reason

Open Heaven Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the wellbeing of humanity. Christian faith is the spiritual foundation on which we stand, and our primary purpose is the prevention of all types of addictions. We rely on our extensive background and experience with outpatient interventions and support groups  for individuals who need assistance, as well as for their families.


Open Heaven Foundation employs the Minnesota Model 12-Step Program. Addictions are physical, mental and spiritual illnesses which affect both, the addict and his/her environment. Families are an essential component during the prevention and recuperation processes. We provide a through follow up  and emotional support for the addict and his/her family.


Open Heaven Foundation is at the service of our community, and focus on addiction prevention. We offer our services at prison facilities, hospitals, community centers, religious organizations, schools, sport centers, and businesses.

 Our services are at not cost, we kindly accept donations.

Upcoming workshops to be scheduled.

For more information, please contact us at


Help us today

and many will benefit from your contribution